Gears And Gear Racks - Browse Top List of Industrial and Automation Parts

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Part No Manufacturer Description QTY RFQ
TC16112 martin external tooth spur gear 16 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 3/4 in face, 112 teeth, 7-1/8 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/4 to 1-7/16 in bore, hub with no screw, cast iron material 2330 RFQ
NCG1292 browning 1224021 change gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 92 teeth, 0.7500 in bushing bore dia., 0.7500 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 1181 RFQ
NCG853 browning 1225374 change gear 8 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 53 teeth, 1.1250 in bushing bore dia., 1.1250 in face width, 6.8700 in o.d. 2499 RFQ
GF27 boston gear altra change gear 10 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 27 teeth, 1.0000 in bushing bore dia., 1.0000 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 2287 RFQ
S432 martin external tooth spur gear 4 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 2 in face, 32 teeth, 8-1/2 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1-1/4 to 2-3/4 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2290 RFQ
NCS1096 browning 1212174 external tooth spur gear 10 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 96 teeth, 1.0000 in face, 0.8750 in bore, 9.8000 in od, material: cast iron 1756 RFQ
S1055 martin external tooth spur gear 10 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1 in face, 55 teeth, 5.7 in outside diameter, rough stock, 7/8 to 1-1/2 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2743 RFQ
DB1401A boston gear altra boston geardb1401a, worm gear, pitch: 12"", pressure angle: 14.5°, bronze, threads: 2, 30 teeth, pitch diameter: 2-1/2" 2921 RFQ
PA848Y-G boston gear altra bevel gear 8 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 64 teeth, plain, 0.85 in face width 2656 RFQ
966625 nexen 966625 rps20r-b1000x1u rack 2506 RFQ
C684 martin external tooth spur gear 6 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1-1/2 in face, 84 teeth, 14.333 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1-1/4 to 2-3/16 in bore, hub with no screw, cast iron material 1768 RFQ
ND60 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 3/4 in face, 60 teeth, 5.167 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/4 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, cast iron material 1680 RFQ
Y3272 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 32 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 0.188 in face, 72 teeth, 2.312 in outside diameter, rough stock, 5/16 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, brass material 1049 RFQ
YB14 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 16 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 3/4 in face, 14 teeth, 1 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/8 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, steel material 2314 RFQ
D1127 boston gear altra boston geard1127, worm gear, pitch: 32"", pressure angle: 20°, bronze, threads: 2, 30 teeth, pitch diameter: 0.938" 2048 RFQ
YSS1616 browning 1218411 external tooth spur gear steel, 16 dp, 20 ° pa, 3/4 in face, 16 teeth, 1/2 in bore, rough stock 1600 RFQ
TS515 martin external tooth spur gear 5 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 2-1/2 in face, 15 teeth, 3.4 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1-1/8 to 1-7/16 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2771 RFQ
NA35-3 8 boston gear altra boston gear na35-3/8 steel spur gear 2752 RFQ
C424 martin external tooth spur gear 4 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 2 in face, 24 teeth, 6-1/2 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1-1/8 to 2-1/8 in bore, hub with no screw, cast iron material 1006 RFQ
YF24 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 10 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 1-1/4 in face, 24 teeth, 2.6 in outside diameter, rough stock, 7/8 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, steel material 1835 RFQ
S1615 martin external tooth spur gear 16 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1/2 in face, 15 teeth, 1.062 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1/2 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2316 RFQ
GB1053A boston gear altra boston geargb1053a, worm gear, pitch: 12"", pressure angle: 14.5°, bronze, threads: 1, 50 teeth, pitch diameter: 4.167" 2354 RFQ
L1056 boston gear altra boston gearl1056, worm, pitch: 12"", pressure angle: 14.5°, steel, threads: 1, pitch diameter: 1"", face width: 1-5/8" 2018 RFQ
GD66A boston gear altra change gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 66 teeth, 0.7500 in bushing bore dia., 0.7500 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 2763 RFQ
C10110 martin external tooth spur gear 10 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1 in face, 110 teeth, 11.2 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1 to 1-11/16 in bore, hub with no screw, cast iron material 2702 RFQ
W1050 martin martin sprocket and gear w1050, worm gear, pitch: 10"", pressure angle: 14.5°, cast iron, threads: 1, 50 teeth, right hand 2908 RFQ
YH128B boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 8 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 1-1/2 in face, 128 teeth, 16-1/4 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1-1/8 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, cast iron material 1998 RFQ
NSS1025 browning 1211937 external tooth spur gear steel, 10 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 1 in face, 25 teeth, 3/4 to 1-3/8 in bore, rough stock 1761 RFQ
NSS2028 browning 1210657 external tooth spur gear steel, 20 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 3/8 in face, 28 teeth, 3/8 to 5/8 in bore, rough stock 1141 RFQ
Y6460 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 64 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 1/8 in face, 60 teeth, 0.971 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/16 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, brass material 1025 RFQ
NH144 boston gear altra boston gear nh144 c. i. spur gear 1589 RFQ
YSS20100 browning 1218353 external tooth spur gear steel, 20 dp, 20 ° pa, 1/2 in face, 100 teeth, 5/8 to 1-1/4 in bore, rough stock 1650 RFQ
GH39B boston gear altra change gear 5.0000 in o.d. 1835 RFQ
HL153Y-G boston gear altra bevel gear 10 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 30 teeth, finished w/ keyway, 0.58 in face width 2706 RFQ
C12168 martin external tooth spur gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 3/4 in face, 168 teeth, 14.166 in outside diameter, rough stock, 7/8 to 1-13/16 in bore, hub with no screw, cast iron material 2876 RFQ
YSM12F18X5 8 browning 1229459 straight tooth miter gear 12 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 18 teeth, finished w/ keyway, 0.32 in face width 1993 RFQ
NSS2040 browning 1210707 external tooth spur gear steel, 20 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 3/8 in face, 40 teeth, 3/8 to 1 in bore, rough stock 1558 RFQ
GA84B boston gear altra change gear 20 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 84 teeth, 0.4375 in bushing bore dia., 0.3750 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 1549 RFQ
YSB4B42-30 browning 1228543 4 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 42 teeth, minimum plain bore, 1.4200 in face width 1860 RFQ
TR8X2 martin gear rack 8 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 1-1/4 in width, 2 ft oal, steel material 2739 RFQ
YH18-7 8 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 8 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 1-1/2 in face, 18 teeth, 2-1/2 in outside diameter, finished bore, 7/8 in bore, hub with keyway and set screw, steel material 2587 RFQ
NCG1626 browning 1222488 change gear 16 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 26 teeth, 0.5000 in bushing bore dia., 0.5000 in face width, 1.7500 in o.d. 1350 RFQ
GB57B boston gear altra change gear 16 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 57 teeth, 0.5000 in bushing bore dia., 0.5000 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 1372 RFQ
NSS2412A browning 1209865 external tooth spur gear 24 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 0.2500 in face, 12 teeth, 0.2500 in bore, rough stock 2921 RFQ
GA104B boston gear altra change gear 20 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 104 teeth, 0.4375 in bushing bore dia., 0.3750 in face width, 6.2000 in o.d. 2388 RFQ
NCG823 browning 1225077 change gear 8 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 23 teeth, 1.1250 in bushing bore dia., 1.1250 in face width, 3.1200 in o.d. 1198 RFQ
NCS4R96 browning 1214808 external tooth spur gear cast iron, 4 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 2 in face, 96 teeth, 1-1/8 to 3-3/4 in bore, bushed 1259 RFQ
NCS354 browning 1213487 external tooth spur gear 3 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 54 teeth, 3.0000 in face, 1.5625 in bore, 18.6600 in od, material: cast iron 1121 RFQ
S2070 martin external tooth spur gear 20 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 3/8 in face, 70 teeth, 3.6 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/8 to 1-1/4 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2767 RFQ
G1036 boston gear altra boston gearg1036, worm gear, pitch: 24"", pressure angle: 14.5°, bronze, threads: 1, 40 teeth, pitch diameter: 1.667" 1358 RFQ
ND24B boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 3/4 in face, 24 teeth, 2.167 in outside diameter, rough stock, 5/8 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, steel material 2062 RFQ
GB26 boston gear altra change gear 16 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 26 teeth, 0.5000 in bushing bore dia., 0.5000 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 1828 RFQ
NCG2030 browning 1221761 change gear 20 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 30 teeth, 0.4375 in bushing bore dia., 0.3750 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 1897 RFQ
TS6108 martin external tooth spur gear 6 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 2 in face, 108 teeth, 18.333 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1-1/4 to 2-13/16 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2829 RFQ
YSS1656 browning 1218510 external tooth spur gear steel, 16 dp, 20 ° pa, 3/4 in face, 56 teeth, 5/8 to 1-3/8 in bore, rough stock 2291 RFQ
NA72 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 20 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 3/8 in face, 72 teeth, 3.7 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/8 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, cast iron material 1246 RFQ
H3280 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 32 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 0.188 in face, 80 teeth, 2.562 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/8 in bore, hub with set screw, steel material 2882 RFQ
1234509 browning 4ysr5x 1 1/2 gear rack 5 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 2-1/2 in width, 4 ft oal, steel material 1444 RFQ
S1634 martin external tooth spur gear 16 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1/2 in face, 34 teeth, 2-1/4 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1/2 to 1-1/8 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2296 RFQ
G175 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 32 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 0.188 in face, 32 teeth, 1.062 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1/4 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, brass material 2643 RFQ
NCG2052 browning 1221936 change gear 20 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 52 teeth, 0.4375 in bushing bore dia., 0.3750 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 2140 RFQ
GB33 boston gear altra change gear 16 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 33 teeth, 0.5000 in bushing bore dia., 0.5000 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 1267 RFQ
B642-2 martin bevel gear 6 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 42 teeth, plain, 1.05 in face width 1417 RFQ
TS2040BS 3 4 martin external tooth spur gear 20 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 1/2 in face, 40 teeth, 2.1 in outside diameter, finished bore, 3/4 in bore, hub with keyway and set screw, steel material 2397 RFQ
NCG1090 browning 1224989 change gear 10 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 90 teeth, 1.0000 in bushing bore dia., 1.0000 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 2573 RFQ
YPB3220 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 32 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 0.188 in face, 20 teeth, 0.687 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/16 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, pom with brass insert material 1469 RFQ
S1054 martin external tooth spur gear 10 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1 in face, 54 teeth, 5.6 in outside diameter, rough stock, 7/8 to 1-1/2 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 1028 RFQ
G1110RH boston gear altra boston gearg1110, worm gear, pitch: 3"", pressure angle: 14.5°, cast iron, threads: 1, 18 teeth, pitch diameter: 6" 2590 RFQ
HLSK107Y-L boston gear altra miter gear 6 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 24 teeth, finished w/ keyway, 0.89 in face width 2299 RFQ
1234848 browning 12nsr8x 1 1/4 gear rack 8 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1-1/4 in width, 12 ft oal, steel material 1169 RFQ
GD46B boston gear altra change gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 46 teeth, 0.7500 in bushing bore dia., 0.7500 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 1826 RFQ
GH32B boston gear altra change gear 8 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 32 teeth, 1.1250 in bushing bore dia., 1.1250 in face width, 4.2500 in o.d. 1704 RFQ
H832L boston gear altra boston gear h832l stl helical gear 1680 RFQ
HS618L boston gear altra boston gearhs618l, helical gear, pitch: 6"", pressure angle: 14.5°, steel, 18 teeth left hand, pitch diameter: 3" 1152 RFQ
D1623A boston gear altra boston gear d1623a c. i. worm gear 1759 RFQ
C360 martin external tooth spur gear 3 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 3 in face, 60 teeth, 20.666 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1-9/16 to 3-1/4 in bore, hub with no screw, cast iron material 2582 RFQ
B1025-2 martin bevel pinion gear 10 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 25 teeth, plain, 0.7 in face width 1106 RFQ
G132 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 48 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1/8 in face, 16 teeth, 3/8 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1/8 in bore, no hub, brass material 2238 RFQ
NCS896 browning 1212588 external tooth spur gear 8 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 96 teeth, 1.2500 in face, 1.1250 in bore, 12.2500 in od, material: cast iron 2997 RFQ
NSS12F20X3 4 browning 1215573 external tooth spur gear steel, 12 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 3/4 in face, 20 teeth, 3/4 in bore, finished 1027 RFQ
G235 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 16 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 0.313 in face, 24 teeth, 1-5/8 in outside diameter, rough stock, 5/16 in bore, no hub, brass material 1989 RFQ
NCG16123 browning 1223270 change gear 16 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 123 teeth, 0.5000 in bushing bore dia., 0.5000 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 1132 RFQ
NCG2080 browning 1222199 change gear 20 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 80 teeth, 0.4375 in bushing bore dia., 0.3750 in face width, 4.1000 in o.d. 2136 RFQ
NCG12112 browning 1224195 change gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 112 teeth, 0.7500 in bushing bore dia., 0.7500 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 2758 RFQ
YSS8P28 browning 1220151 external tooth spur gear steel, 8 dp, 20 ° pa, 1-1/2 in face, 28 teeth, 1/2 to 1-3/4 in bore, bushed 2859 RFQ
CQ 1342 boston gear altra boston gear cq 1342 c. i. worm gear 2674 RFQ
NSS2418A browning 1209899 external tooth spur gear 24 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 0.2500 in face, 18 teeth, 0.3125 in bore, rough stock 1928 RFQ
YJ18 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 6 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 2 in face, 18 teeth, 3.333 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, steel material 2298 RFQ
NF11B boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 10 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1 in face, 11 teeth, 1.4 in outside diameter, rough stock, 5/8 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, steel material 2263 RFQ
Y3212 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 32 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 0.188 in face, 12 teeth, 0.437 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1/8 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, brass material 2614 RFQ
S2020 martin external tooth spur gear 20 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 3/8 in face, 20 teeth, 1.1 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/8 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 1490 RFQ
YA45 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 20 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 1/2 in face, 45 teeth, 2.35 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1/2 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, steel material 2143 RFQ
YSS416 browning 1219724 external tooth spur gear steel, 4 dp, 20 ° pa, 3-1/2 in face, 16 teeth, 1-5/16 to 2-1/4 in bore, rough stock 2094 RFQ
YSS420 browning 1219740 external tooth spur gear steel, 4 dp, 20 ° pa, 3-1/2 in face, 20 teeth, 1-5/16 to 3 in bore, rough stock 2268 RFQ
S1017 martin external tooth spur gear 10 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1 in face, 17 teeth, 1.9 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/4 to 13/16 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2371 RFQ
G1063LH boston gear altra boston gearg1063lh, worm gear, pitch: 10"", pressure angle: 14.5°, cast iron, threads: 1, 50 teeth, pitch diameter: 5" 1897 RFQ
H2442 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 24 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1/4 in face, 42 teeth, 1.833 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/8 in bore, hub with keyway and set screw, steel material 2896 RFQ
GD93A boston gear altra change gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 93 teeth, 0.7500 in bushing bore dia., 0.7500 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 2241 RFQ
NSS2018 browning 1210574 external tooth spur gear steel, 20 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 3/8 in face, 18 teeth, 3/8 to 1/2 in bore, rough stock 1532 RFQ
R208X4 martin gear rack 8 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 1-1/2 in width, 4 ft oal, steel material 2773 RFQ

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