Teco Westinghouse - Industrial Parts and Components Catalog

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Part No Category Description QTY RFQ
XPV0056C motors teco westinghouse xpv0056c motor, xp, 5hp, 1200rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 215tc 1193 RFQ
F510-4535-C3-U ac drives teco westinghouse f510-4535-c3-u vfd, 460v, 3 phase, 500/600hp, 690a, vt, ip20, 1649 RFQ
F510-2040-C3-UE ac drives teco westinghouse f510-2040-c3-ue vfd, 230v, 3 phase, 40hp, 110a, vt, nema 1, 2150 RFQ
XP0502 motors motor, xp, 50hp, 3600rpm, 3 phase, 230/460v, 326ts texp nema pr. eff., 93.6 fl eff %, 91 fl pf % ip55 2996 RFQ
F510-2015-C3-UE ac drives teco westinghouse f510-2015-c3-ue vfd, 230v, 3 phase, 15hp, 40a, vt, nema 1, 2430 RFQ
E510-405-H3N4-U ac drives vfd, 5hp, 460v, 3 phase, nema 4/ip66. indoor/medium duty, keypad only on front cover 2839 RFQ
TWE-0096C-4-HD soft starters teco westinghouse twe-0096c-4-hd combination soft starter 480v 75hp 96a heavy duty, 1482 RFQ
XPV7 54C motors teco westinghouse xpv7/54c motor, xp, 7.5hp, 1800rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 213tc 1268 RFQ
F510-2005-C3-UE ac drives teco westinghouse f510-2005-c3-ue vfd, 230v, 3 phase, 5hp, 14.5a, vt, nema 1, 2758 RFQ
TWE-0240C-4-HD soft starters teco westinghouse twe-0240c-4-hd combination soft starter 480v 200hp 240a hvy duty, 2760 RFQ
NP0252C motors teco westinghouse np0252c motor, 25hp, 3600rpm, 284t frame, footed c-face, 1239 RFQ
GPV1 56C motors teco westinghouse gpv1/56c motor, 1.5hp, 1200rpm, 182tc frame, 2953 RFQ
XP0504C motors teco westinghouse xp0504c motor, xp, 50hp, 1800rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 326tc 1250 RFQ
XP7 54C motors teco westinghouse xp7/54c motor, xp, 7.5hp, 1800rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 213tc 1485 RFQ
S0 74 motors motor, single phase, .75hp, 1800rpm, 56, footed frame, rolled steel, capacitor start/induction run 2715 RFQ
GP1 52C motors teco westinghouse gp1/52c motor, 1.5hp, 3600rpm, 143tc frame, 2171 RFQ
SPHT0 74 motors teco westinghouse spht0/74 motor, single phase .75hp, 1800rpm, 115/208/230v, 1589 RFQ
A510-4005-C3-U ac drives teco westinghouse a510-4005-c3-u vfd, 5hp, 460v, 3 phase, ip20/nema 1, 1580 RFQ
EPV0406C motors teco westinghouse epv0406c motor, 40hp, 1200rpm, 364tc frame, 46fl a (460v) 1758 RFQ
XP0756 motors teco westinghouse xp0756 motor, xp, 75hp, 1200rpm, 3 phase, 230/460v, 405t 1411 RFQ
TWE-0040B-5-HD soft starters teco westinghouse twe-0040b-5-hd combination soft starter 575v 40hp 40a heavy duty, 2774 RFQ
L510-402-H3-U ac drives teco westinghouse l510-402-h3-u vfd, 2hp, 460v, 3 phase, ip20 2654 RFQ
XP7 52 motors teco westinghouse xp7/52 motor, xp, 7.5hp, 3600rpm, 3 phase, 230/460v, 213t 2715 RFQ
XP2506R motors motor, xp, 250hp, 1200rpm, 3 phase, 460v, 5007c texp nema pr. eff., 95.8 fl eff %, 87 fl pf % ip55 2803 RFQ
ST0104 motors motor, single phase, 10hp, 1800rpm, 208-230v, 215t frame, tefc, hvac, energy efficient, ip44 2228 RFQ
E510-220-H3-U ac drives teco westinghouse e510-220-h3-u ac drive, 20hp, 64a, ct/vt, 230vac, 3 phase, f4, 2797 RFQ
SPT0014 motors teco westinghouse spt0014 motor, single phase 1hp, 1800rpm, 115/208/230v, 2840 RFQ
E510-240-H3-U ac drives vfd, 40/50hp 115/138a ct/vt, 230vac, 3 ph. f6 20.67x11.28x10.62"", med. duty compact, nema 1/ip20 1188 RFQ
A510-6215-C3-U ac drives teco westinghouse a510-6215-c3-u vfd, 200hp, 690v, 3 phase, protected chassis, 1668 RFQ
TWE-0096C-5-HD soft starters teco westinghouse twe-0096c-5-hd combination soft starter 575v 100hp 96a heavy duty 1987 RFQ
SPT1 54 motors motor, single phase, 1.5hp, 1800rpm, 115/208/230v, 145t frame, tefc, hvac, nema premium, ip44 2225 RFQ
GH0 22 motors teco westinghouse gh0/22 motor, .25hp, 3600rpm, 56 frame, 2561 RFQ
XP0252C motors motor, xp, 25hp, 3600rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 284tsc aehhxg/aehhxf, nema premium, footed c-face, ip55 2325 RFQ
GP7 52 motors motor, 7.5hp, 3600rpm, 213t frame, 18.4 fl amps (230v), rigid base mount 1079 RFQ
NP1 54C motors teco westinghouse np1/54c motor, 1.5hp, 1800rpm, 145t frame, footed c-face, 1309 RFQ
TWC-0065-4-PP soft starters teco westinghouse twc-0065-4-pp soft starter pump panel package, 50hp, 460v, 75a, 1355 RFQ
E510-205-H3-U ac drives teco westinghouse e510-205-h3-u ac drive, 5hp, 17.5a, ct/vt, 230vac, 3 phase, f2, 1470 RFQ
E510-402-H3N4-U ac drives teco westinghouse e510-402-h3n4-u vfd, 2hp, 460v, 3 phase, nema 4/ip66. 2837 RFQ
XP0302C motors teco westinghouse xp0302c motor, xp, 30hp, 3600rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 286tsc 1272 RFQ
TWE-1080C-5-HD soft starters teco westinghouse twe-1080c-5-hd combination soft starter 575v 1100hp 1080a hvy dty 2363 RFQ
A510-6025-C3-UE ac drives teco westinghouse a510-6025-c3-ue vfd, 25hp, 690v, 3 phase, nema 1, 2511 RFQ
TWE-0034B-4-HD soft starters teco westinghouse twe-0034b-4-hd combination soft starter 480v 25hp 34a heavy duty, 2428 RFQ
SPT0 22 motors teco westinghouse spt0/22 motor, single phase .25hp, 3600rpm, 115/208/230v, 1992 RFQ
NP0306 motors teco westinghouse np0306 motor, 30hp, 1200rpm, 326t frame, footed frame, 1624 RFQ
A510-4030-C3-U ac drives teco westinghouse a510-4030-c3-u vfd, 30hp, 460v, 3 phase, ip20/nema 1, 2986 RFQ
EMX3-0700B soft starters teco westinghouse emx3-0700b soft starter, 3ph, 400hp, 513a, 460vac, std. duty 2422 RFQ
EQ7-4700-C ac drives vfd, 700hp, 460v, 3 phase, four selectable control modes 2248 RFQ
XP0026 motors teco westinghouse xp0026 motor, xp, 2hp, 1200rpm, 3 phase, 230/460v, 184t 1231 RFQ
F510-4001-C3-U ac drives teco westinghouse f510-4001-c3-u vfd, 460v, 3 phase, 1hp, 3.4a, vt, nema 1, 1367 RFQ
SPT0 54 motors teco westinghouse spt0/54 motor, single phase .5hp, 1800rpm, 115/208/230v, 1896 RFQ
NP0024C motors teco westinghouse np0024c motor, 2hp, 1800rpm, 145t frame, footed c-face, 1152 RFQ
EQ7-2003-C ac drives vfd, 3hp, 230v, 3 phase, four selectable control modes 1168 RFQ
XP1006 motors motor, xp, 100hp, 1200rpm, 3 phase, 230/460v, 444t texp nema pr. eff., 95 fl eff %, 83.5 fl pf % ip55 2484 RFQ
XPV0102C motors motor, xp, 10hp, 3600rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 215tc aeuhxg/aeuhxf, nema pr., round body c-face, ip55 2544 RFQ
A510-6020-C3-U ac drives teco westinghouse a510-6020-c3-u vfd, 20hp, 690v, 3 phase, nema 1, 2327 RFQ
TWC-0065-2-PP soft starters soft starter pump panel package, 25hp, 230v, 75a, nema 3r, pushbutton, hoa, power on/run/fault light 2112 RFQ
XP0758 motors teco westinghouse xp0758 motor, xp, 75hp, 900rpm, 3 phase, 230/460v, 444t 2656 RFQ
XP0202 motors motor, xp, 20hp, 3600rpm, 3 phase, 230/460v, 256t texp nema pr. eff., 91 fl eff %, 92 fl pf % ip55 2861 RFQ
F510-2100-C3-U ac drives teco westinghouse f510-2100-c3-u vfd, 230v, 3 phase, 100hp, 250a, vt, ip20, 1331 RFQ
E510-401-H3FN4S-U ac drives vfd, 1hp, 460v, 3 phase, nema 4/ip66. indoor/med duty, w/ keypad, dscnct & pot on cover 1288 RFQ
TWE-0590C-5-HD soft starters teco westinghouse twe-0590c-5-hd combination soft starter 575v 600hp 590a hvy duty, 1292 RFQ
E510-410-H3N4-U ac drives vfd, 10hp, 460v, 3 phase, nema 4/ip66. indoor/medium duty, keypad only on front cover 1586 RFQ
NP0206C motors teco westinghouse np0206c motor, 20hp, 1200rpm, 286t frame, footed c-face, 1091 RFQ
XP3506 motors teco westinghouse xp3506 motor, xp, 350hp, 1200rpm, 3 phase, 460v, 5009b 1618 RFQ
GH0016 motors motor, 1hp, 1200rpm, 56 frame, 3.44 fl amps (230v), rigid base mount 1852 RFQ
TWC-0052-2-PP soft starters soft starter pump panel package, 20hp, 230v, 60a, nema 3r, pushbutton, hoa, power on/run/fault light 2521 RFQ
GP7 52C motors motor, 7.5hp, 3600rpm, 213tc frame, footed c-face, 18.4 fl amps (230v) 2666 RFQ
NP0016C motors teco westinghouse np0016c motor, 1hp, 1200rpm, 145t frame, footed c-face, 2388 RFQ
F510-4125-C3-UE ac drives teco westinghouse f510-4125-c3-ue vfd, 460v, 3 phase, 125hp, 165a, vt, ip20 1355 RFQ
GH0 34 motors teco westinghouse gh0/34 motor, .33hp, 1800rpm, 56 frame, 2026 RFQ
XP2504 motors teco westinghouse xp2504 motor, xp, 250hp, 1800rpm, 3 phase, 460v, 449t 1252 RFQ
EQ7-2150-C ac drives teco westinghouse eq7-2150-c vfd, 150hp, 230v, 3 phase 2105 RFQ
GH0 26C motors teco westinghouse gh0/26c motor, .25hp, 1200rpm, 56c frame, 1018 RFQ
EPV0506C motors teco westinghouse epv0506c motor, 50hp, 1200rpm, 365tc frame, 57.8fl a (460v) 2894 RFQ
E510-420-H3N4-U ac drives teco westinghouse e510-420-h3n4-u vfd, 20hp, 460v, 3 phase, nema 4/ip66. 2872 RFQ
DTP0014 motors motor, 1hp, 1800rpm, 143t frame, 2.9fl a (230v), 230/460v, rolled steel odp, nema premium 2214 RFQ
XP2006 motors teco westinghouse xp2006 motor, xp, 200hp, 1200rpm, 3 phase, 460v, 449t 1035 RFQ
XPV0054C motors motor, xp, 5hp, 1800rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 184tc aeuhxg/aeuhxf, nema pr., round body c-face, ip55 1669 RFQ
XP0156 motors teco westinghouse xp0156 motor, xp, 15hp, 1200rpm, 3 phase, 230/460v, 284t 1133 RFQ
EPV0016C motors teco westinghouse epv0016c motor, 1hp, 1200rpm, 145tc frame, 1.73fl a (460v) 2887 RFQ
XPV0402C motors teco westinghouse xpv0402c motor, xp, 40hp, 3600rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 324tsc 2484 RFQ
GP1 52 motors teco westinghouse gp1/52 motor, 1.5hp, 3600rpm, 143t frame, 2447 RFQ
S0034C motors motor, single phase, 3hp, 1800rpm, 182tc, footed c-face, cast iron, 230v, cap. start/split cap. run 1608 RFQ
XPV1 54C motors teco westinghouse xpv1/54c motor, xp, 1.5hp, 1800rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 145tc 1323 RFQ
SPHT0012 motors teco westinghouse spht0012 motor, single phase 1hp, 3600rpm, 115/208/230v, 1386 RFQ
A510-6040-C3-U ac drives teco westinghouse a510-6040-c3-u vfd, 40hp, 690v, 3 phase, nema 1, 1042 RFQ
EQ7-4003-C ac drives teco westinghouse eq7-4003-c vfd, 3hp, 460v, 3 phase 2903 RFQ
GH0 32 motors teco westinghouse gh0/32 motor, .33hp, 3600rpm, 56 frame, 2788 RFQ
XP0508 motors teco westinghouse xp0508 motor, xp, 50hp, 900rpm, 3 phase, 230/460v, 404t 1767 RFQ
XP3002 motors teco westinghouse xp3002 motor, xp, 300hp, 3600rpm, 3 phase, 460v, 449ts 2625 RFQ

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