Hitachi Drives - Industrial Parts and Components Catalog

Part No Category Description QTY RFQ
WJ200-022HF ac drives vfd, 3hp, 400v, 3 phase, sensorless vector, ip20, high starting torque 1035 RFQ
P1-02520-HFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-02520-hfuf vfd, 150 hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 217/230/252 a, 2467 RFQ
P1-02290-LFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-02290-lfuf vfd, 60 hp, 3 phase, 200/240v, 182/210/229 a, 2258 RFQ
P1-00156-LFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00156-lfuf vfd, 3 hp, 3 phase, 200/240v, 10.5/12/15.6 a, 2787 RFQ
NES1-007SB ac drives hitachi drives nes1-007sb vfd, 1hp, 4a, 230v, single phase 2565 RFQ
NES1-022LB ac drives vfd, 3hp, 10a, 230v, 3 phase, simple operation, space saving 2516 RFQ
WJ200-004HF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-004hf vfd, 1/2hp, 400v, 3 phase 1476 RFQ
P1-03160-HFUF ac drives vfd, 200hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 260/290/316 a, nd/ld/vld, high performance vector drive 2703 RFQ
NES1-015LB ac drives hitachi drives nes1-015lb vfd, 2hp, 7.1a, 230v, 3 phase 2638 RFQ
SJ700-4000HFU2 ac drives hitachi drives sj700-4000hfu2 vfd, 500hp, 380-480v, 3 phase 2800 RFQ
P1-00175-HFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00175-hfuf vfd, 7.5 hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 14/16/17.5 a, 1240 RFQ
NES1-007LB ac drives hitachi drives nes1-007lb vfd, 1hp, 4a, 230v, 3 phase 1562 RFQ
P1-00400-HFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00400-hfuf vfd, 20 hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 32/37/40 a, 2103 RFQ
P1-01850-LFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-01850-lfuf vfd, 50 hp, 3 phase, 200/240v, 145/169/185 a, 1733 RFQ
WJ200-002LF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-002lf vfd, 1/4hp, 200v, 3 phase, 1914 RFQ
WJ200-015LF ac drives vfd, 2hp, 200v, 3 phase, sensorless vector, ip20, high starting torque 2806 RFQ
WJ200-075HF ac drives vfd, 10 ct|15 vt hp, 400v, 3 phase, sensorless vector, ip20, high starting torque 2488 RFQ
WJ200-015HF ac drives vfd, 2hp, 400v, 3 phase, sensorless vector, ip20, high starting torque 2408 RFQ
SJ700-2200HFU2 ac drives vfd, 300hp, 380-480v, 3 phase, 440a, dual rated high performance vector drive 1065 RFQ
NES1-004SB ac drives hitachi drives nes1-004sb vfd, 0.5hp, 2.6a, 230v, single phase 1846 RFQ
WJ200-007MF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-007mf vfd, 1hp, 120v, single phase 1734 RFQ
NES1-007HB ac drives hitachi drives nes1-007hb vfd, 1hp, 2.5a, 460v, 3 phase 2035 RFQ
WJ200-002SF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-002sf vfd, 1/4hp ct, 1/2hp vt, , 200v, single phase 2981 RFQ
NES1-015SB ac drives hitachi drives nes1-015sb vfd, 2hp, 7.1a, 230v, single phase 2280 RFQ
P1-00054-HFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00054-hfuf vfd, 2 hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 3.8/4.8/5.4 a, 1528 RFQ
P1-00930-HFUF ac drives vfd, 50hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 75/85/93 a, nd/ld/vld, high performance vector drive 2477 RFQ
WJ200-004MF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-004mf vfd, 1/2hp, 100-120v, single phase 2599 RFQ
WJ200-110HF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-110hf vfd, 15 ct|20 vt hp, 400v, 3 phase 1346 RFQ
P1-02950-LFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-02950-lfuf vfd, 75 hp, 3 phase, 200/240v, 220/270/295 a, 1563 RFQ
WJ200-037LF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-037lf vfd, 5 ct|7.5 vt hp, 200v, 3 phase 2345 RFQ
P1-00600-LFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00600-lfuf vfd, 15 hp, 3 phase, 200/240v, 46/58/60 a, 1239 RFQ
NES1-004LB ac drives vfd, 0.5hp, 2.6a, 230v, 3 phase, simple operation, space saving 1818 RFQ
WJ200-004LF ac drives vfd, 1/2hp, 200v, 3 phase, sensorless vector, ip20, high starting torque 1388 RFQ
P1-01240-LFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-01240-lfuf vfd, 30 hp, 3 phase, 200/240v, 95/113/124 a, 1825 RFQ
P1-00041-HFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00041-hfuf vfd, 1 hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 2.5/3.1/4.1 a, 1792 RFQ
WJ200-040HF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-040hf vfd, 5 ct|7.5 vt hp, 460v, 3 phase 2932 RFQ
WJ200-007HF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-007hf vfd, 1hp, 400v, 3 phase 2695 RFQ
WJ200-150LF ac drives vfd, 20 ct|25 vt hp, 200v, 3 phase, sensorless vector, ip20, high starting torque 2640 RFQ
P1-01760-HFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-01760-hfuf vfd, 100 hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 149/160/176 a, 2689 RFQ
SJ700-1850HFU2 ac drives hitachi drives sj700-1850hfu2 vfd, 250hp, 380-480v, 3 phase, 370a, 1996 RFQ
WJ200-007LF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-007lf vfd, 1hp, 220v, 3 phase 1571 RFQ
WJ200-150HF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-150hf vfd, 20 ct|25 vt hp, 400v, 3 phase 1038 RFQ
WJ200-055LF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-055lf vfd, 7.5 ct|10 v thp, 200v, 3 phase 1811 RFQ
WJ200-030HF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-030hf vfd, 4hp, 400v, 3 phase 1853 RFQ
NES1-022HB ac drives hitachi drives nes1-022hb vfd, 3hp, 5.5a, 460v, 3 phase 1358 RFQ
P1-00770-HFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00770-hfuf vfd, 40 hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 58/70/77 a, 1470 RFQ
P1-01470-HFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-01470-hfuf vfd, 75 hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 112/135/147 a, 1318 RFQ
P1-00620-HFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00620-hfuf vfd, 30 hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 48/57/62 a, 2843 RFQ
WJ200-022LF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-022lf vfd, 3hp, 200v, 3 phase 2809 RFQ
P1-00104-LFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00104-lfuf vfd, 2 hp, 3 phase, 200/240v, 7.5/9.4/10.4 a, 2381 RFQ
WJ200-007SF ac drives vfd, 1hp, 200v, single phase, sensorless vector, ip20, high starting torque 1377 RFQ
NES1-022SB ac drives hitachi drives nes1-022sb vfd, 3hp, 10a, 230v, single phase 2086 RFQ
P1-00080-LFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00080-lfuf vfd, 1 hp, 3 phase, 200/240v, 5.0/6.3/8.0 a, 1145 RFQ
P1-01160-HFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-01160-hfuf vfd, 60 hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 91/105/116 a, 2559 RFQ
WJ200-055HF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-055hf vfd, 7.5 ct|10 vt hp, 400v, 3 phase 2366 RFQ
WJ200-110LF ac drives vfd, 15 ct|20 vt hp, 200v, 3 phase, sensorless vector, ip20, high starting torque 1917 RFQ
WJ200-004SF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-004sf vfd, 1/2hp, 200v, single phase 2460 RFQ
NES1-004HB ac drives vfd, 0.5hp, 1.5a, 460v, 3 phase, simple operation, space saving 1621 RFQ
P1-00044-LFUF ac drives vfd, 0.5hp, 3 phase, 200/240v, 3.0/3.7/4.4 a, nd/ld/vld, high performance vector drive 2711 RFQ
SJ700-3150HFU2 ac drives vfd, 300-400hp, 380-480v, 3 phase, dual rated high performance vector drive 1337 RFQ
WJ200-075LF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-075lf vfd, 10 ct|15 vt hp, 200v, 3 phase 2839 RFQ
P1-00126-HFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00126-hfuf vfd, 5 hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 9.0/11.1/12.6 a, 2887 RFQ
P1-00470-HFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00470-hfuf vfd, 25 hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 38/43/47 a, 2974 RFQ
P1-00930-LFUF ac drives vfd, 25hp, 3 phase, 200/240v, 76/85/93 a, nd/ld/vld, high performance vector drive 2810 RFQ
WJ200-022SF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-022sf vfd, 3hp, 200v, single phase 2985 RFQ
WJ200-015SF ac drives hitachi drives wj200-015sf vfd, 2hp, 200v, single phase 2095 RFQ
NES1-015HB ac drives hitachi drives nes1-015hb vfd, 2hp, 4.1a, 460v, 3 phase 2478 RFQ
P1-01530-LFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-01530-lfuf vfd, 40 hp, 3 phase, 200/240v, 121/140/153 a, 1115 RFQ
P1-00228-LFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00228-lfuf vfd, 5 hp, 3 phase, 200/240v, 16.5/19.6/22.8 a, 1865 RFQ
P1-00250-HFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00250-hfuf vfd, 10 hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 19/22/25 a, 1465 RFQ
P1-00083-HFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00083-hfuf vfd, 3 hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 5.3/6.7/8.3 a, 1350 RFQ
P1-00800-LFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00800-lfuf vfd, 20 hp, 3 phase, 200/240v, 64/73/80 a, 2655 RFQ
P1-02130-HFUF ac drives vfd, 125hp, 3 phase, 380-480v, 176/195/213 a, nd/ld/vld, high performance vector drive 2638 RFQ
P1-00330-LFUF ac drives hitachi drives p1-00330-lfuf vfd, 7.5 hp, 3 phase, 200/240v, 24/30/33 a, 1954 RFQ

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