Cp Compressors - Industrial Parts and Components Catalog

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Part No Category Description QTY RFQ
8153605137 hand and power tools spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 20 hp, 141 psig, 230 v, 48.7 cfm 2484 RFQ
4152017615 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 35 hp, 175 psig, 230/460 v, 128 cfm 1234 RFQ
8090254130 pneumatics 1 stage electric air compressor aluminum, portable, electric motor, number of stages: 1, not oilless, 26 gal tank capacity, vertical, 2 hp, 135 psig, 115/230 v, 7.1 cfm 2805 RFQ
8153605087 pneumatics spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 22 hp, 116 psig, 460 v, 65.7 cfm 2052 RFQ
4152017614 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 35 hp, 150 psig, 230/460 v, 138 cfm 2953 RFQ
8153605178 pneumatics spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 30 hp, 141 psig, 230 v, 63.6 cfm 1729 RFQ
4152010536 pneumatics tank mount screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 120 gal tank capacity, horizontal, 15 hp, 150 psig, 208-230/460 v, 33 cfm 2846 RFQ
8152730102 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 340 hp, 125 psig, 460 v, 1306 cfm 2137 RFQ
8153632990 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 40 hp, 175 psig, 230 v, 153 cfm 2439 RFQ
4152017612 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 35 hp, 100 psig, 230/460 v, 168 cfm 2075 RFQ
8158047392 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 40 hp, 175 psig, 460 v, 140 cfm 1034 RFQ
4152006963 pneumatics base mount screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 25 hp, 125 psig, 208-230/460 v, 100 cfm 2206 RFQ
CPG4501241 hand and power tools air cooled screw compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 350 hp, 125 psig, 2300/4160 v, 1988 cfm 2897 RFQ
8158047335 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 50 hp, 175 psig, 230 v, 178 cfm 2026 RFQ
8153633048 pneumatics fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 40 hp, 100 psig, 230 v, 297 cfm 1315 RFQ
8158039290 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 75 hp, 175 psig, 460 v, 242 cfm 1144 RFQ
8153604676 hand and power tools spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 10 hp, 145 psig, 460 v, 24.2 cfm 2725 RFQ
8153633113 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 40 hp, 175 psig, 460 v, 153 cfm 2908 RFQ
4152017625 pneumatics vsd rotary screw air compressor stationary, 3 phase, 460 v, 40 hp 1675 RFQ
8090253074 hand and power tools 2 stage iron air compressor cast iron, stationary, electric motor, number of stages: 2, not oilless, 120 gal tank capacity, vertical, 10 hp, 175 psig, 460 v, 35 cfm 1834 RFQ
8153613370 pneumatics spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 2 hp, 113 psig, 230 v, 6.1 cfm 2467 RFQ
8090252951 hand and power tools 2 stage gas air compressor cast iron, stationary, gas engine, number of stages: 2, not oilless, 30 gal tank capacity, horizontal, 11 hp, 175 psig, 18 cfm 2236 RFQ
CPG450W1546 hand and power tools water cool screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 450 hp, 150 psig, 460 v, 1757 cfm 2979 RFQ
8153605038 hand and power tools spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 22 hp, 145 psig, 230 v, 50.2 cfm 1219 RFQ
8090250631 hand and power tools 2 stage gas air compressor aluminum, stationary, gas engine, number of stages: 2, not oilless, 30 gal tank capacity, horizontal, 9 hp, 175 psig, 16 cfm 2281 RFQ
8153633006 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 40 hp, 100 psig, 230 v, 247 cfm 1042 RFQ
8152730100 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 270 hp, 175 psig, 460 v, 904 cfm 2686 RFQ
8153633139 pneumatics fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 40 hp, 125 psig, 460 v, 230 cfm 2622 RFQ
4152017648 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 50 hp, 125 psig, 230/460 v, 205 cfm 1330 RFQ
4152017652 pneumatics vsd rotary screw air compressor stationary, 3 phase, 460 v, 40 hp 2484 RFQ
4152017613 pneumatics fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 35 hp, 125 psig, 230/460 v, 154 cfm 2165 RFQ
8152730105 pneumatics water cool screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 270 hp, 125 psig, 460 v, 1112 cfm 1340 RFQ
8158047376 pneumatics fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 40 hp, 125 psig, 460 v, 174 cfm 1435 RFQ
8153633105 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 40 hp, 150 psig, 460 v, 175 cfm 2498 RFQ
8153605004 pneumatics spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 20 hp, 116 psig, 230 v, 55.9 cfm 2618 RFQ
8153613479 pneumatics spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 8 hp, 113 psig, 208-230/460 v, 20.8 cfm 2383 RFQ
8153633089 pneumatics fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 40 hp, 100 psig, 460 v, 214 cfm 1641 RFQ
8153613388 hand and power tools spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 2 hp, 141 psig, 230 v, 4.0 cfm 2841 RFQ
8153632974 pneumatics fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 40 hp, 125 psig, 230 v, 193 cfm 1234 RFQ
4152017623 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 50 hp, 175 psig, 230/460 v, 164 cfm 2895 RFQ
8158136575 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 150 hp, 125 psig, 460 v, 701 cfm 1390 RFQ
8158046386 pneumatics fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 120 hp, 125 psig, 460 v, 517 cfm 2829 RFQ
4152010171 hand and power tools tank mount screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 60 gal tank capacity, horizontal, 7.5 hp, 150 psig, 230 v, 21.2 cfm 1903 RFQ
4152010193 pneumatics tank mount screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 60 gal tank capacity, horizontal, 5 hp, 150 psig, 208-230/460 v, 16.6 cfm 1463 RFQ
8090250823 hand and power tools 2 stage gas air compressor aluminum, stationary, gas engine, number of stages: 2, not oilless, 30 gal tank capacity, horizontal, 14 hp, 175 psig, 18.5 cfm 1030 RFQ
8152730106 pneumatics water cool screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 270 hp, 150 psig, 460 v, 1024 cfm 2694 RFQ
4152006994 pneumatics vsd rotary screw air compressor stationary, 3 phase, 460 v, 20 hp 1277 RFQ
CPG5002046 pneumatics air cooled screw compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 350 hp, 175 psig, 460 v, 1657 cfm 1462 RFQ
4152017651 pneumatics vsd rotary screw air compressor stationary, 3 phase, 460 v, 35 hp 2504 RFQ
8152730097 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 270 hp, 100 psig, 460 v, 1241 cfm 1652 RFQ
8090250609 hand and power tools 2 stage gas air compressor aluminum, stationary, gas engine, number of stages: 2, not oilless, 30 gal tank capacity, horizontal, 13 hp, 175 psig, 25.3 cfm 2669 RFQ
4152010533 pneumatics tank mount screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 120 gal tank capacity, horizontal, 10 hp, 125 psig, 208-230/460 v, 37 cfm 1886 RFQ
CPG3501046 pneumatics air cooled screw compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 350 hp, 100 psig, 460 v, 1960 cfm 1545 RFQ
8152730107 hand and power tools water cool screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 270 hp, 175 psig, 460 v, 904 cfm 2092 RFQ
6270347465 pneumatics fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 200 hp, 100 psig, 460 v, 999 cfm 1376 RFQ
CPG5001541 hand and power tools air cooled screw compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 350 hp, 150 psig, 2300/4160 v, 1977 cfm 2661 RFQ
8153605202 pneumatics spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 22 hp, 113 psig, 460 v, 65.7 cfm 2708 RFQ
CPG450W200460 pneumatics water cool screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 450 hp, 175 psig, 460 v, 1460 cfm 2790 RFQ
6270347765 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 200 hp, 175 psig, 460 v, 701 cfm 1212 RFQ
8153605236 hand and power tools spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 30 hp, 141 psig, 460 v, 63.6 cfm 2133 RFQ
8152730675 hand and power tools water cool screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 200 hp, 100 psig, 460 v, 999 cfm 1686 RFQ
8153632966 pneumatics fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 40 hp, 100 psig, 230 v, 214 cfm 1376 RFQ
8153604817 hand and power tools spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 15 hp, 141 psig, 460 v, 31.8 cfm 2379 RFQ
CPG350W2046 pneumatics water cool screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 350 hp, 175 psig, 460 v, 1412 cfm 2785 RFQ
8090250608 hand and power tools 2 stage gas air compressor aluminum, stationary, gas engine, number of stages: 2, not oilless, 30 gal tank capacity, horizontal, 14 hp, 175 psig, 25.3 cfm 1092 RFQ
8158019557 pneumatics vsd rotary screw air compressor stationary, 3 phase, 460 v, 40 hp 1200 RFQ
8152730719 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 175 hp, 175 psig, 460 v, 582 cfm 2753 RFQ
CPG450W1541 hand and power tools water cool screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 450 hp, 150 psig, 2300/4160 v, 1757 cfm 1090 RFQ
8153633147 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 40 hp, 150 psig, 460 v, 214 cfm 1509 RFQ
8153605061 hand and power tools spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 20 hp, 116 psig, 460 v, 55.9 cfm 2963 RFQ
4152010173 hand and power tools tank mount screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 60 gal tank capacity, horizontal, 3 hp, 150 psig, 230 v, 8.5 cfm 1701 RFQ
8153605210 hand and power tools spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 22 hp, 141 psig, 460 v, 50.2 cfm 2284 RFQ
8153633154 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 40 hp, 175 psig, 460 v, 190 cfm 1468 RFQ
8153633162 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 40 hp, 100 psig, 460 v, 297 cfm 2138 RFQ
8153633022 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 40 hp, 150 psig, 230 v, 214 cfm 1493 RFQ
CPG350W1246 hand and power tools water cool screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 350 hp, 125 psig, 460 v, 1810 cfm 2455 RFQ
8152730108 hand and power tools water cool screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 340 hp, 100 psig, 460 v, 1377 cfm 2258 RFQ
8153613321 hand and power tools spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 3 hp, 145 psig, 208-230/460 v, 7.2 cfm 2929 RFQ
8152730687 hand and power tools water cool screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 200 hp, 150 psig, 460 v, 822 cfm 1430 RFQ
8152730101 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 340 hp, 100 psig, 460 v, 1377 cfm 1140 RFQ
8158036288 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 100 hp, 125 psig, 460 v, 402 cfm 2284 RFQ
CPG5001241 hand and power tools air cooled screw compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 350 hp, 125 psig, 2300/4160 v, 2204 cfm 1206 RFQ
8153604791 hand and power tools spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 10 hp, 141 psig, 460 v, 24.2 cfm 1409 RFQ
8152730104 pneumatics water cool screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 270 hp, 100 psig, 460 v, 1241 cfm 1986 RFQ
8153633030 pneumatics fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 40 hp, 175 psig, 230 v, 190 cfm 2923 RFQ
8153613271 pneumatics spiral air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, oilless, 3 hp, 116 psig, 230 v, 8.9 cfm 2668 RFQ
CPG450W1246 pneumatics water cool screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 450 hp, 125 psig, 460 v, 1985 cfm 2415 RFQ
8152730667 hand and power tools water cool screw air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 200 hp, 125 psig, 460 v, 911 cfm 1827 RFQ
6270347565 hand and power tools fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 200 hp, 125 psig, 460 v, 911 cfm 1638 RFQ
8158046394 pneumatics fixed speed scew air compressor stainless steel, stationary, electric motor, not oilless, 120 hp, 150 psig, 460 v, 473 cfm 2076 RFQ

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